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Mercury Crossword Puzzle

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                        1 2    
          6 7   8              
    9         10                
          11     12              
          16                 17  
        18     19                
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1 Mercury is very similar in appearance to the _____.
4 The Roman counterpart to Mercury.
6 Mercury is the ____ planet to the Sun.
10 Mercury has a very ____ surface.
12 Craters and famous features are named after deceased ____, musicians, or authors.
13 You can jump ____ on Mercury than on Earth.
14 Mercury has no atmosphere but an _____.
15 Mercury is called a rocky or ______ planet.
16 The core of Mercury is made up of this.
18 The name of the main mission that went to Mercury.
20 Mercury has had this number of missions.
2 The chemicals found in the exosphere are _____, sodium, hydrogen, helium, and potassium.
3 If the gravitational compression is not considered, Mercury is the ____ planet.
5 Mercury's number of moons.
7 You weigh ____ on Mercury than on Earth.
8 The first people to document Mercury.
9 Mercury has ____ days.
11 What was recently discovered on Mercury.
17 Mercury has ___ real atmosphere.
19 Mercury has ____ years.
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