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Microbial Pathogensis Crossword Puzzle

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Microbial Pathogensis

                        9       10             11          
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2 I can cause debilitating or fatal disease with doses as low as 10 colony-forming units.
3 You can get me while mowing lawns.
4 Botox is a drug made from me to treat health problems, including Chronic migraine
5 I have a filamentous structure and I cause hemorrhagic fever .
6 I am sweet and I can be deadly and fruit bats love me .I can be collected from tree trunks .
7 I am caused by a large brick-shaped virus and I can manifest Maculopapular rash.
8 I a member of the Henipavirus genus and you can find me in the fruit bats saliva, urine, or feces.
12 I am the only virus with a double-stranded DNA genome who is transmitted by arthropods.
13 My life cycle is similar to the old world arenaviruses.
1 Tick bites / Nairovirus / Hemorrhagic fever.
9 I live in the saliva of a tick and when it bites I can cause babesiosis .
10 I can cause congenital neurological abnormalities in fetuses/ Microcephaly .
11 I was isolated first from British soldiers who died from Malta fever in Malta in the 19th and early 20th centuries
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