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Middle Ages Crossword Puzzle

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Middle Ages

                          6         7   8
            11       12         13          
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1 name for a group of countries made up of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland
2 movement that saw observation become the key to science and ethics drove work
3 when a country decides to isolate itself form foreign affairs, Japan and China exercise this
4 period of European history from the fall of the Roman Empire in the West to the fall of Constantinople
5 period of time characterized by church reform, the Protestant and Catholic church both underwent change
9 an empire seated in Turkey ruled by a Sultan
10 name for the Bubonic Plague, spread from flees on rats to kill half of Europe
11 'rebirth', a time or artistic and scientific revival in Europe
1 time when science came out form under the control of the church
6 Japaneses form of Feudalism with an Emperor at the top
7 Naval-Warrior Society, from Scandinavia
8 social system that put nobles above merchants and peasants who paid tribute
11 artistic movement that saw artwork take on a more realistic form
12 religion developed by Muhammad, 'Submission to God’s will'
13 holly war, goals being to remove Muslim control over Jerusalem and Palestine
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