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Minerals And Their Properties Crossword Puzzle

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Minerals and Their Properties

      1     2                  
            3           4      
6                   7          
9         10                    
Across Down
1 the streak is collorless, hardness is a 10, used in jewelry, and in gemstones
3 The hardness is a 1-2, the color varies from silver to gray, and the streak is black
6 streak is white, the hardness is a 5, used in fertilizer and gemstones
7 used in plaster, and drywall, hardness is a 2, streak is white,and colors vary
8 Streak is white, hardness is a 4, color is typically purple,green,yellow sometimes colorless
9 Hardness is a 3,streak is white, and is usually white but also colorless
2 Hardness is varies from 5.5 to 6.5, colors are black and silver,magnetic,and has a black streak
4 the streak is colorless, hardness is an 8, uses:in gemstone, and the color is white, yellow, amber,pink,green.and sometimes colorless
5 Colors go from yellow to amber, has a white-yellow streak, used in sulfric acid
10 Hardness is a 1, colors vary from white to green, and has a greasy feel
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