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Mlk: African American Civil Rights Crossword Puzzle

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MLK: African American Civil RIghts

3         4                            
        7                         8    
        11                         12    
          13   14   15                    
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2 The kind of protests M.L.K Jr would lead
3 Something that African Americans faced from white people
5 A white man supportive of African American civil rights
6 The president of the U.S in the late fifties that supported African American Civil rights
7 A court case that upheld segregation and helped to start the civil rights movement
9 when the African American civil rights movement really started
10 What the African Americans were fighting for
11 When 9 African American students first integrated into a white school
13 Laws that enforced racial segregation in the southern United States
1 A racist organization that was against African American civil rights
4 African american civil rights activists who said the I have a dream speech
8 Where African Americans faced the most racism
12 A young man who's murder helped to spark the African American civil rights movement
14 Nation of Islam member who supported African American civil rights in a somewhat extreme way
15 An african American women who helped start the montgomery bus boycotts
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