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1 A lineages of mollusks including the squid, octopuses, and nautiluses. Distinguished by large brains, excellent vision, tentacles, and a reduced or absent shell.
3 Also called chitons. They have a shell with overlapping plates. Mostly stay on rocks and eat algae and plant matter.
4 Consists of spaces between cells within the animal tissues. This circulatory system extends into a large muscular foot.
5 Believed to be extinct but were rediscovered in 1952. Little known about this creature, which live in deep water.
9 Clams, oysters, mussels and scallops. Marine and freshwater. Characterized by shells (valves) closing entire body (two valves.
10 Snails, nudibranchs, abalones, limpets, etc. Includes over half of species found in Mollusk phylum.
11 Flat gills found in a pocket of the mantle tissue. It absorbs oxygen from water that enters the cavity.
12 In Latin, it means 'not bearing a shell'; worm-like, no foot. small wormlike animals that don’t have shells. Live deep underwater.
13 An area of tissue covering the internal organs. In most mollusks, it secretes a hard calcium-based shell that protects the animal from predators.
1 Consists of two openings- a mouth and an anus. Animals with this can eat continuously and this allows them to be more active.
2 Strong muscular portion of a mollusk used for movement.
6 Also called tusk shells. Live at bottom of water bodies where feed on detritus.
7 Types of mollusks called bivalves. These have many eyes and can swim.
8 Filelike feeding organ (tongue). Mollusks eat by scraping the radula over their food and the hard teeth of the radula pick up tiny particles that the animal swallows.
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