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Moses And The Ten Plagues Crossword Puzzle

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Moses and the Ten Plagues

                        1       2      
          4       5                    
      7   8     9                      
            13             14            
Across Down
2 yellow precious metal the Egyptians gave to the Isrealites as they were leaving
6 blister-like things that were all over the Egyptians skin for the 6th Plague
8 the specific name of the large flies that plagued Egypt the 4th time
10 when it is night there is _____: dense black at night -when you cant see through it
11 green grasshoppers that come in large swarms to eat everything in sight
13 large triangle shaped buildings that come to a point on top, that Pharoah needed bricks to build
15 who the Isrealites worshipped- Gods personal name
16 the brother of Moses who did all the speaking
17 there were ten of these -a sickness that begins with a P that affected all the animals of Egypt to make them die
1 these were magic practicing _______ of Egypt who could not do the things Moses did
2 small mosquito like insects that plagued the Egyptians the 3rd time
3 all the water in Egypt turned into this -it is red
4 green hopping things that eat flies & they infested the land of Egypt
5 balls of ice that fell during thunderstorms that God caused on Egypt
7 Jehovah brought the ten plagues on Egypt to ______ its ruler, the king
9 the initial child or ______ _____ of every house of Egypt died during the 10th plague
12 what the Isrealites were forced to make every day from straw and mud
13 Title of king of Egypt who would not release the Isrealites from slavery
14 what the staff of Moses turned into when he threw it down on the ground
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