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Muscles OF The Hip, Thigh, And Leg Crossword Puzzle

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Muscles of the Hip, Thigh, and Leg

Made by Luis Gonzalez

              3 4                              
  5             6                              
            9   10                              
    12   13                                      
                17     18       19         20      
Across Down
3 medial to the biceps femoris
6 flexes and abducts the thigh
7 directly underneath and ends at the rectus femoris muscle
8 the most medial, or inner, of the quadriceps muscles
10 forms the buttocks
11 dorsiflexes and inverts the foot
13 largest of the quadriceps group
15 draws the leg inward and laterally rotates the thigh
16 forms the calf
17 enabling the leg to flex and rotate, and serving as a thigh extensor
1 attached to the hip and helps to extend or raise the knee
2 long, thin, superficial muscle of the medial thigh
4 dorsiflexes the foot and extends the toes
5 plantar flexes and everts the foot
9 plantar flexes the foot
12 laterally flexes the vertebral column
14 common injection site
18 flexes the hip
19 important for knee flexion, internal and external rotation, and hip extension
20 longest muscle of the body
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