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Natives and Explorers

                        1     2                      
  3               4                                  
              7                   8                  
            12                               13        
                                      14           15  
    16                   17                            
    18           19                                    
              22     23       24   25                    
Across Down
3 wanted to stop cruel treatment of the Native Americans
7 France, Netherlands, England looking for Passage to?
8 killed the most Natives
9 faith rather than good deeds way to heaven
10 Reached Oklahoma
11 Civilization thought the Gods wanted a display of gold
12 first to reach Florida
14 sailed around the world
16 Allowed England to claim North America
17 French treatment of Natives
19 woman owned the land in which tribe?
20 land Prince Henry the Navigator ruled
21 landed in Quebec
22 Allowed nomadic people to settle into communities
26 Sailed tip of Africa
1 Native Americans crossed this to reach the Americas
2 Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria
4 Which continent made money off of trading slaves and gold
5 how did Hohokum to aquire shells?
6 studied by Mayan Priest to know planting times
9 Illinois is home to the largest settlement of which civilization?
13 first to sail east to India
15 Homes of the Hopi
18 Wanted to establish fur and fishing posts
20 helped Spain and Portugal settle land disputes in the Americas
23 Lived in igloos
24 homes of the nomadic Plains Natives
25 Mayan and Aztec society revolved around this
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