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Natural Disasters Crossword Puzzle

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Natural Disasters

                  1           2                  
          3       4                              
      5                             6            
7                         8                      
      9             10                            
        13                       14                
Across Down
4 a very large wave of water
5 large amount of water covering a usually dry area
6 a violent tropical storm
7 a mountain with a large hole at the top
9 wet soil or earth falling down from mountain
11 large amount of snow falling from mountain
13 extremely dry, no rain
15 strong storm that moves over water
16 a severe snow storm
17 a strong wind that moves fast in circles
1 large amount of rain
2 powerful flash of light in the sky
3 violent storm with spinning air
6 a loud noise during a storm
8 frozen rain drops
10 shaking of the earth's surface
12 cloudy air close to ground
14 little or no food for people
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