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Nelson Mandela

                      P                       R                
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                      O                       O                
                    A N T I A P A R T H E I D M O V E M E N T  
                    R O B B E N I S L A N D P R I S O N        
                    I                                         T
  S O U T H A F R I C A                                       R
                    A                                         E
                    N I N E T E E N N I N E T Y F O U R       A
                    N                                         S
  R O L I H L A H L A                                     R   O
                    T R U T H A N D R E C O N C I L I A T I O N
                    I                                     V    
                  F O R M A L E D U C A T I O N           O    
                    N                                     N    
          M A D I B A                                     I    
                    L O N G W A L K T O F R E E D O M     A    
                    C                                     T    
                    O                                     R    
                    N E L S O N M A N D E L A             I    
                    G                                     A    
J O H A N N E S B U R G                                   L    
U                   E                                          
L                   S P E A R O F T H E N A T I O N            
Y   T H E E L D E R S           W                              
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3 Nelson was known as the face of this movement both internationally and in his country.
4 Mandela spent the first 18 years of his 27 years of imprisonment.
6 Where did the events of his life take place?
7 The year Mandela became President.
8 He was born by the name of.
10 The group that Mandela establish to help investigate human rights.
11 He was the first person in his family to receive this.
12 The name that South Africans referred to him as a sign of respect was.
13 The autobiography that Mandela wrote and tried to smuggle out of prison.
14 The South African activist and former President.
15 Mandela fled here to run away from an arranged marriage.
16 In 1961 he was the co-founder and first leader of this group.
18 The name of the independent group of public figures committed to addressing global problems.
1 The government offered Mandela this in exchange for political compromises.
2 Where did Nelson Mandela spend nearly three decades of his life?
3 Mandela joined this group to establish a youth league.
5 In 1956 Mandela was arrested and went on trial because of this.
9 This was the name of the trial in which Mandela was sentenced to life imprisonment.
15 What month was Nelson Mandela born in the year of 1918.
17 The newly elected president who lifted the ban on the ANC and moved towards a non-racist South Africa.
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