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New England Colonies Crossword Puzzle
New England Colonies Crossword Puzzle
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New England Colonies

  2         3     4                      
          10         11                    
      12       13         14                
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4 What were the dishes made out of that people ate on?
7 Find a six letter word. Where they keep cargo.
8 Find a five letter word that rhyms with pools.
9 Find a six letter word that means things people do.
10 Find a seven letter word. Where a babby sleeps.
12 Find a five letter word that rhyms with tops.
16 Where was the place were all the people met for meetings and schooland church?
17 Find a four letter word that rhyms with sand.
1 Find a seven letter word that rhyms with Tourists.
2 A four letter word that rhyms with tub.
3 What came out of the the tree when they drilled holes in to the tree?
5 Find a five letter word that rhyms with margo.
6 Find a four letter word that rhym with all.
11 Find a seven letter word.Used for light.
13 Find a four letter word that rhyms with tip.
14 Find a three letter word that rhym with dot.
15 A five letter word that rhyms with thurns.
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