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New Imperialism

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                7                         8          
  16                       17                   18      
      19             20                             21  
                      25           26                  
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4 A meeting where 14 European countries met to lay down rules for the division of Africa
6 social theory of the time during the emerging societies in the Europe during the 1870's
7 A country or territory with its own internal government but under the control of an outside power
9 Emperor of Ethiopia that helped resist the Europeans.
10 Creator of social darwinism
11 The takeover of a country or territory by a stronger nation with the intent of dominating the nation
12 Indias' nickname
14 The policy that was based on the idea that in time, the local populations would be absorbed into french culture
15 Waterway that cut through the Isthmus of Suez to connect the Red Sea to the Mediterranean sea.
20 An area in which an outside power claims exclusive investment or trading privileges
22 The attitude how Europeans viewed Africans as children unable to handle the complex business of running a country
24 Father of Modern India
25 countries that border the Pacific Ocean
1 The movement that the boers used to escape from the British
2 The altercation that the British and the Boers had.
3 Empire that was defeated by the European imperialists powers
5 Independent but less developed nations controlled by private business interests rather than by other governments
8 the idea that one race is superior to others
13 The part of India that was under direct British rule
16 name of the zulu chief that used highly disciplined warriors and good military organization to create a large centralized state
17 An interest in or taking of land for its strategic location or products
18 The uprisings that spread over much of northern India.
19 Indian soldiers that worked for the East India Company
21 Altercation between Russians and Ottomans
23 Name of the Dutch settlers who gradually took over native Africans' land and established large farms
26 A country or a region governed internally by a foreign power
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