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New Nation

    9                         10      
                      15   16       17  
          18   19                      
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5 the political party made by citizens who wanted a strong national government
6 the act that made trade with every country except Britain and France possible
7 The third President of the United States
8 a battle won by American citizens against the Native Americans
9 an unofficial rule or example that others follow
11 the idea that George Washington supported of staying out of foreign country's affairs
12 the purchase of the Louisiana territory made by the U.S. from France
13 two men that explored the territory gained by the Americans after making the Louisiana Purchase
14 the process of voting on a political candidate
18 the people that lived in America before the colonists came
1 a political affair when France wanted money for war and the U.S. declined it
2 The second President of the United States
3 the advisers to the President
4 the political party made by citizens who wanted a very limited government
10 the ____________ bank was an idea put in place by Alexander Hamilton to pay the American war debt
14 this act stopped American trade with any foreign country
15 the first President of the United States
16 Alien and _______ acts made it so foreigners could be removed from the US and no one could speak out against the government
17 the first Secretary of the Treasury in the United States
19 a Native American who fought against the American citizens as they moved west
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