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Nose Mouth And Throat Crossword Puzzle

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Nose Mouth and Throat

                2                 3            
                10                     11        
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2 bruiselike dark confluent macule oral lesion is among earliest lesions to develop with AIDS
4 white cheesy curdlike patch on buccal mucosa - scrapes off and leaves raw red surface that bleeds easily
5 pathognomonic of measles- small blue-white spots with irregular red halo over mucosa
6 enlarged tongue
7 ulcer with rolled edges particularly on sides base and under tongue
8 congenital bony septum between nasal cavity and the pharynx - uncommon in newborn but if bilateral an airway emergency
10 hole in the septum usually in cartilaginous part
12 chalky white thick raised patch with well defined borders - lesion is firmly attached and does not scrape off
13 uvula is partly severed and may indicate a submucous cleft palate
1 acute inflamed infected sinus following upper respiratory infection - usually viral in origin and does not need antibiotics
2 in anterior septum is most common site of noselbeed
3 maxillofacial clefts are common congenital deformities
9 small boil located in skin or mucous membranes that is red swollen and painful
11 nosebleed
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