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Number the Stars

                      1 2                                      
      3             4                                          
          11               12         13                          
              15     16     17                                    
    18 19                                                        
Across Down
1 What is the the name of Kirsti's cat?
7 What is the name of the star name that jews were?
8 Where did Henrik hide the jew?
9 What bone did Kirsti’s mom break?
10 What organization was Lise a part of?
11 Where town does Ellen live in?
14 What does Henrik do for a living?
17 What was Kirsti favourite fairy tale?
18 Ellen’s best friend is ___________
2 The ‘package’ going to ____________'s house.
3 Who is Lise’s youngest sister?
4 Henrik took the jews to Sweden to ____________ the Nazis?
5 What colour was Ellen's hair ?
6 What was the thing made the Nazi’s dog sense of smell go away?
12 Who was the “package’’?
13 Where was Henrik going to take the jews to?
15 Who’s was the parent that got left at the apartment?
16 Who was Lise going to marry before she died?
19 What was the name of Hitlers army?  
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