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Our Solar System Crossword Puzzle

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Our Solar System

                3     4            
                7         8        
                    10         11    
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3 This planet bears the name of Zeus' grandfather
6 This large planet is surrounded by rings of rocks and debris
7 Responsible for the waves in our oceans
9 Often called Terra in films
10 Largest planet in the solar system
12 Smallest planet in the solar system
1 Named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty, this planet is the second-brightest object in the sky, and is occasionally visible during the day!
2 This dwarf planet is named after the Roman equivalent of Hades
4 This planet is named after the Roman god of the sea.
5 The closest star
8 Keeps our feet on the ground
11 The number of planets
12 While this red planet looks hot, it's temperature can get below freezing point.
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