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Parts OF A Paragraph Crossword Puzzle

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Parts of a Paragraph

1   2                            
              8                 9
    10     11                      
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1 A paragraph explains ______ part of a topic
3 The subject of a paragraph
4 The explaining sentences are in the __________ of a paragraph
5 The topic sentence is the _______ sentence in a paragraph
6 The concluding sentence is the ______ sentence in a paragraph
7 The concluding sentence is almost the same as _______ _______
10 All the explaining sentences explain the ________ ___________
12 The number of parts a topic sentence has
2 Explain the Controlling Idea
8 The concluding sentence is at the _________ of a paragraph
9 The controlling idea is the ______ of the topic the paragraph will explain
11 The topic sentence is at the _____ of a paragraph
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