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People who Made a Difference in Technology

answer the hints with the famous person's last name

                      F R A N K L I N        
                D E E R E                    
                A     D                      
    M C C O R M I C K                        
    U           N                            
    S           C                            
    K       W R I G H T                      
          D I S N E Y                        
            T     D   J                      
      G     N     I   O                      
    C A R V E R   S   B                      
      T     Y   M O R S E                    
    B E L L       N                          
Across Down
1 Invented the lightning rod, bifocals, and many other things (help with America's independence)
2 Invented the steel plow (name of famous tractor company)
3 Invented the reaper (first name Cyrus)
4 These brothers came up with and tested the first successful model of the airplane in Kitty Hawk, NC(write their last name in singular form)
5 First to blend animation with sound (think Mickey Mouse)
9 came up with 300 different uses for peanuts
10 Invented the telegraph (a famous code is named after him)
11 Invented the telephone
1 Came up with the idea for the assembly line (brand of cars named after him)
2 Invented the battle tank and the helicopter a SUPER long time ago (painted a famous painting)
3 Co-founder of Tesla and SpaceX
4 Invented the cotton gin
6 Invented the light bulb
7 Co-founder of Apple
8 Co-founder of Microsoft (super rich)
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