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Photoshop Crossword Puzzle

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        1         2           3      
        7 8                          
              9               10      
        12                           13
        19                   20        
    21 22                              
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1 The very small squares of colors or shades that make up an image.
4 Sometimes called pallets, they are small windows that verify settings and modify images.
7 A picture in electronic form.
11 A new original product that is based upon content.
12 A portion of an image.
14 Contains tools associated with frequently used Photoshop Commands.
15 Allows users to make a copy of all or part of a work for purposes of teaching, news reporting, etc.
16 Contains the Menu bar and title bar.
17 Displays the current settings for the selected tool.
18 A raster graphics image file format.
19 How objects are positioned in space relative to one another.
21 Protection extended to an author or creator of original work.
23 Used to direct the viewer's eye to a specific area of an image.
2 Displays information about the image like its file size.
3 An area where you can move a panel.
5 A compressed image file format that is best for photographic images.
6 Default Photoshop file extension.
8 An image or idea that is owned and retained by legal control.
9 A file format for storing images, popular among graphic artists.
10 The brightness and contrast within an image
13 The size relationship of objects to one another.
20 Text used in a Photoshop document.
22 The ability to see through a layer so that the layers beneath it are visible.
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