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Plant Crossword Puzzle

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                        1       2        
      3   4                              
              9                       10  
            14                     15      
            18           19                
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2 What produces flowers to continue the population
3 What types of stems store lots of water
6 A food that has 91% water
7 Loss of water vapor from parts of plants
8 What color were carrots originally
9 The function of xylem vessels
11 What types of parts are for a female flower
12 What type of grass is found in Aftica and named after elephants.
13 Anchor for a plant
14 The world fastest growing water plant
16 What types of parts are for a male flower
17 Helps prevent water loss on a leaf
18 A food made from cocao beans
20 The study of plants
1 Structures for sexual production
2 Pores for gas exchange and transpiration
4 The only fruit which grows seeds on the outside
5 Which vegetable is used the most in dishes
7 The function of phloem vessels
10 A method to verify the age of a tree is to count the ________________.
15 What can provide enough wood to make 170,000 pencils
18 When an insect touches the hairs of a Venus Fly Trap it triggers the plant to______________.
19 A food that is made up of 25 % air
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