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Plant Terms

The definitions are the hints.

    I M P E R F E C T                
  C O M P L E T E                    
A N N U A L                          
        P R O P A G A T I O N        
        P E R E N N I A L            
          P H O T O S Y N T H E S I S
      P E R F E C T                  
          I N C O M P L E T E        
    B I E N N I A L                  
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2 Flower with a stamen or a pistil.
3 Flower has all 4 major flower parts; petals, stamen, pistil, ans sepal.
4 Plant that completes its life cycle in one growing season.
5 Reproducing plants by seed or vegetatively.
6 Plant that comes back year after year.
7 Plants take in carbon dioxide and water in the presence of light and produce oxygen and sugar.
8 Flower with both a pistil and stamen.
9 Flower that is missing one or more major flower parts.
10 Plant that completes its life cycle in two growing seasons.
1 Opposite of photosynthesis, plants using the sugar for growth.
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