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Plot Structure

  C H A R A C T E R                  
              R I S I N G A C T I O N
            A N T A G O N I S T      
              P R O T A G O N I S T  
              O                   H  
    E X P O S I T I O N           E  
              N                   M  
C O N F L I C T                   E  
      R E S O L U T I O N            
              I               S      
              M   P           E      
            F A L L I N G A C T I O N
              X   O           T      
                  T           I      
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1 person, thing, or animal in a book, play, movie
3 events that lead to the turning point/ climax
4 a major character in a book, play, or movie whose values or beahvior are in conflict with those of the protagonist or hero
5 most important character in a novel, play, story, or other literary work
7 the part of a literary work in which the characters, setting, conflict, and mood are made known
8 main problem in a story, usually between the protagonist and the antagonist
9 how the conflict was solved
12 the events that lead to the resolution
2 main event between the protagonist and antagonist in a story. The most exciting part.
6 a lesson or message the author is trying to help you learn in a story
10 where the story took place or when the story took place
11 the story or sequence of events in something such as a novel, play or movie
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