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Political Behavior

            E L E C T O R A T E                  
          C O A L I T I O N           P          
            N                         L          
          C O N S E N S U S           U          
            M                       F A C T I O N
          B I P A R T I S A N         L          
            C                     W   I          
            P O L I C T I C A L P A R T Y        
            R                     R   Y          
            O                     D              
      M U L T I P A R T Y                        
            S P L I N T E R P A R T I E S        
P R E C I N T                                    
            P A R T I S A N S H I P              
        P A R T Y P O W E R                      
          M I N O R P A R T Y                    
            S E C T I O N A L I S M              
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1 all the people ebtitled to vote in a given election
2 temporary alliance of several groups who come together to form control of government
4 a general agreement among various groups on fundamental matters
5 a conflicting group
6 supported by two parties
8 a group of people seeking control of government through the winning elections
9 system in which several major and many lesser parties exist
10 split away from one of the major parties
11 smaller unit of election administration
12 strong support of their party and its policy stands
13 party that controls the executive branch of government
14 one of the political parites not widely supported
15 a narrow-minded concern for the interests of one section of a country
1 parites rooted in pour economic times
3 largest number of votes cast for the office
7 unit in which citites are often divided for the election of city council memmbers
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