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Complete the crossword to demonstrate your knowledge of politics

                                N     U                
                    H           D     K                
                  L O C A L C O U N C I L L O R        
                    U           M     P                
                  G E N E R A L E L E C T I O N        
                  C O N S E R V A T I V E S     B     G
                    F                           R     R
                    P R I M E M I N I S T E R   E     E
        V           A                           X     E
B A L L O T P A P E R                           I     N
        T           L I B E R A L D E M O C R A T S   P
        E           I                                 A
                    A                                 R
                    M E M B E R O F P A R L I A M E N T
                    E                     A       L   Y
                C O N S T I T U E N C Y   B       E    
                    T                     O       C    
                                          U       T    
                                          R       O    
                                          P       R    
                                          A       A    
                                          R       T    
                                          T       E    
Across Down
4 The people we elect to represent us in running our local area and city
5 This is when the electorate have the opportunity to vote for their MP and one party takes control of running the country
6 This is the party of power in Britain, it has the most MPs
9 Theresa May is this
11 You write your vote on this
12 Liberty the bird is the logo of this party
13 The people we elect to represent us in running the country
16 The area or ward which a member of parliament or local councillor represents
1 A national vote on one particular issue
2 This party was formed with the main priority to take Britain ourt of Europe
3 The building in which the House of Commons and the House of Lords meet and make decisions about the running of our country
7 The name given to Britian leaving the European Union
8 This party was formed to represent and promote how politics can support environmental issues
10 Each electorate gets one of these
14 The opposition party in Britain
15 The name give to everyone who is entitled to vote in an elcetion
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