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                                  1           2        
              9                                   10    
                  16 17       18         19   20            
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4 The Senate is a ____ meaning only one third of senators are up for reelection at any given time
5 This mean having two houses
6 Laws passed after the fact
8 The most powerful member of Congress
9 Another name for the Necessary and Proper Clause
11 The most important committee in Congress
12 This person acts as President of the Senate when the VP is not available
13 A term of Congress is ____ years
14 The power to regulate trade is a ___ power of Congress
15 A person with a lot of political experience is called a _____
16 All similar bills go to this type committee
1 Drafts of laws
2 The most important job of Congress
3 Another name for non law making powers
7 People in a district or state
10 The help Congress people provide the people living in their district or state
17 Term of a House member
18 One benefit of being a Congress person is ____, or legal protection, in certain situations
19 The party with the most members in Congress
20 To accuse
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