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Presidents OF The United States %232 Crossword Puzzle
Presidents OF The United States %232 Crossword Puzzle
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Presidents of the United States #2

4           5                            
        12           13                    
Across Down
4 A Republican elected from the state of Texas, while serving as President from 2001 - 2009.
6 Served in office from 1853 - 1857.
7 Assassinated in 1901.
8 A Republican elected from the state of New York in 1953.
9 Elected, (Republican), from the state of New York and served in office from 1881 - 1885.
10 A Republican whose Vice President was William Wheeler.
11 Considered a 'Whig' while only serving on office as President in 1841.
12 His Vice President was Hubert Humphrey.
1 A National Republican elected from the state of Virginia.
2 A Democrat elected from the state of Georgia.
3 Neither a Democrat or Republican elected from the
5 Served in office from 1889 - 1893.
7 Served in office for two years between 1921 - 1923.
13 Elected from the state of Virginia with no Vice President at his side.
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