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Principles of Sociology

                      1     2           3                  
                                                  5       6
                9                                   10      
  13         14                                              
                20                                         21
              23                               24            
                  27         28                              
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8 Individuals and groups that influence our orientations to life
9 I'm not responsible for what happened because...'
11 A sociologal perspective that suggest society is a whole unit, made up of interrelated parts that work together
12 Translated Comte's ideas into English
15 Larger, more anonymous, more formal, and more impersonal
16 The study of how people us commonsense understanding to make sense of life
18 Coined by Charles Horton Cooley; how society makes us human
20 A sociological perspective brought to Sociology by Cooley, Thomas, and Mead.
25 Using objective, systematic observations to test theories
27 Coined the term differential association
1 Found living in the wild
2 A tendency to use our own group's ways of doing things to judge others
3 Identified social integration
4 A large group of people who rank close to one another in property and power
5 Coined by William Ogburn; not all parts of culture change at the same pace
6 Collective tunnel vision of a group
7 First African American to earn a doctorate at Harvard
8 'I had to help my friends'
10 Stages of our life as we go from birth to death
13 Pointed out how we learn to take the role of the other
14 Most influential of all sociologists
17 A position that is earned
19 A sociological perspective that views society as composed of groups that are competing for scarce resources
21 Focus on large-scale features of social life
22 Comte suggested we apply the scientific method to the social world
23 Focus is on social interaction
24 People who influence the behaviors, opinions, or attitudes of others
26 Believed that the engine of human history is class conflict
28 Largest and most complex group that sociologist study
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