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Progressive Era

                U             M                      
                A             U                      
                R             C           R E C A L L
                E             K           E          
                D             R           F          
                E   D         A           E          
    S E G R E G A T I O N     K           R          
                L   S         E           E          
                    C O N S E R V A T I O N          
T R U S T B U S T E R                     D          
                    I N I T I A T I V E   U          
                    M                     M          
        M U T U A L I S T A                          
                    A R B I T R A T I O N            
  S U F F R A G I S T                                
                P R O H I B I T I O N                
                    N     A       L                  
                          R       I                  
                          R       G                  
                          I       O                  
                          O       P                  
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3 The right of voters to remove incompetent elected officials from office
5 Seperation of one group from another
6 Protection and preservation of natural resources
7 An elected official who investigates and combats business alliances formed to control competition and prices
8 The right of a voter to place an issue on the ballet in a state election
9 Mexican American aid group
10 The process of resolving a dispute between a person or group by agreeing to accept the decision of the neutral party.
11 A person who fought for women's right to vote.
12 Law that banned the making or selling of alcohol
1 Roosevelt's promise program of fair and equal treatment for all.( 2 words)
2 Investigative reporters who expose corruption.
3 The right of the voters to accept or reject laws
4 Unfair treatment, usually based on prejudice
13 Mexican neighborhood
14 A few large companies that control the prices of an entire industry
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