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Properties of Matter

            C O M B U S T I L I T Y          
          M A L L E A B I L I T Y            
      H A R D N E S S                        
              G                   G          
          R E A C T I O N W I T H A C I D    
              N                   S          
              D U C T I L I T Y              
          C H E M I C A L P R O P E R T Y    
      C R Y S T A L F O R M                  
          D E N S I T Y                      
              G                   S          
              P H Y S I C A L P R O P E R T Y
              O             I     L          
    S O L U B I L I T Y     Q     I          
              N             U     D          
V I S C O C I T Y           I                
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2 the ability of a substance to react with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide
3 the ability to be hammered into thin sheets (alternative, brittle)
4 measure of the resistance of a solid being scratched or dented
6 the ability of a substance to react with an acid
7 the ability to be pulled into wires
8 the behavior of a substance as it becomes a new substance
9 solid form of many minerals in which you can see a definite structure of cubes or blocks with a regular pattern
10 the amount of matter for unit volume of that matter
12 a characteristic or description of a substance that may help you to identify it
14 the ability of a substance to dissolve in a solvent, such as water
15 how easily a liquid flows
1 the temperature at which the substances change state
5 it has indefinite shape and volume
11 it has definite shape and volume
13 it has indefinite shape and definite volume
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