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Protein Synthesis

  5               6                       7
        10       11                   12      
                  16                       17
              18           19                
Across Down
6 Enzyme that builds mRNA strand.
8 The first amino acid (codon is AUG)
11 Name given to the overall process of protein synthesis
13 A long chain of amino acids
14 Part of the central dogma that involves building the protein based on codons of mRNA
16 Part of the central dogma that involves copying a section of DNA onto an mRNA
18 String of adenines (A's) in the template strand of DNA will cause this.
1 Each codon will represent one of these to build polypeptide chains.
2 Carried by tRNA, will be complementary to the codon.
3 Region that has the TATA box and is critical to initiation of transcription.
4 Part of mRNa that gets 'spliced out' by SNURPS and spliceosomes.
5 Type of bond formed between amino acids
6 Causes the translation to end and ribosome to disassemble.
7 Part of mRNA that goes on to become code.
9 Three base pairs of code used to identify amino acid.
10 The strand of DNA that is used by the mRNA
12 Type of RNA responsible for carrying code out of the nucleus.
15 Location of translation
17 Location of transcription
18 Matches the amino acid it carries with a codon using an anticodon.
19 The 'start codon'
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