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                                                        3   4
  7   8                                                      
                        20                         21       22  
                    23                       24                
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5 a reinforcer that is necessary for survival
8 in classical conditioning, when an association between two pair stimuli weakens or ends
9 something that triggers a learned response
10 reinforcer is given after an unknown number or tasks
11 behavior leads to the removal of a desired event or state
12 when we apply the same response to similar stimuli or when we assume the same reinforcer will be given
14 reinforcer is given after a specific period of time
15 removes something unpleasant
16 a reinforcer that adds something desirable
17 behavior leads to an undesirable event
18 anything that strengthens a behavior
20 the tendency to fail to act or escape based on a history of failure
23 learning by watching a model
1 our belief in our ability to perform a task
2 anything that weakens a behavior
3 a type of conditioning that is based on reflex and associations
4 learning by seeing the consequences of another's behavior
6 something that triggers an unlearned, automatic response
7 taking a series of tasks and putting them together
13 a type of conditioning that is based on consequences
19 learning that is based on prior knowledge used to solve a new problem
21 a reinforcer that you had to learn to value
22 the process of graduall refining a behavior by making it more difficult to recieve the reward
24 learning that is not immediately shown- it only appears when needed
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