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Puritanism Crossword Puzzle

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                                        3   4
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2 Refers to human nature; every human being is by nature corrupt and perverted as a result of Adam and Eve's fall
5 is leading the life of a saint out of gratitude for God's grace
6 God's grace is freeely given, it cannot be earned or denied.
8 Conversion or being born again; rehabilitates depraved human nature
9 accepted the interpretations of John Calvin on the nature of man, free will and predestination, and other basic concepts
10 Jesus died for the chosen only, not for everyone
11 Unites the soul with God after death, and will elect a form of community of saints
12 Through Adam and Eve's fall, every person is born sinful- concept of Original Sin
13 sovereign gift of God, graciously bestowed
1 God 'saves' those he wishes - only a few are selected for salvation
3 God's call to social, economic, civil, and religious roles or behavior
4 The promises which God makes to human beings and which are recorded in the Bible
7 the saving transfiguring power of God
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