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R.M.S Titanic

Words that are associated with the ship Titanic.

              L I F E B O A T S       R        
                  A                   B        
            S O U T H A M P T O N     O        
                  H                   U        
            W O M E N A N D C H I L D R E N    
                  R                   G        
                  R A D I O T E L A G R A P H  
  C A R P A T H I A                            
                  N O R T H A T L A N T I C    
      T I T A N I C                            
                  S O C I A L C L A S S E S    
                J O H N J A C O B A S T O R I V
                  W                         M  
M O L L Y B R O W N                         M  
                  E D W A R D S M I T H     I  
                                  C         G  
                                  E         R  
                                  B         A  
                                  E         N  
                                  R         T  
                                  G         S  
Across Down
2 Used to carry the survivors after the sinking.
4 Started its maiden voyage here.
5 When loading the lifeboats these were the people who were allowed on first.
6 How the passengers and crew sent and recieved telagrams and weather related info.
7 Name of ship that picked up the survivors.
8 Ocean where the ship sank.
9 Ship that sank on April 15, 1912.
10 First, second and third. All types of people on board from the very rich to very poor.
11 Wealthiest person aboard the ship.
13 American socialite who was a survivor.
14 Captain of the Titanic.
1 A city in France where some passengers were picked up before the voyage.
3 A Jesuit trainee who took many photographs of the Titanic while on board.
12 People coming to America from other countries wanting a better life.
15 This is what the ship hit and caused it to sink.
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