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Railroad Era

                                                  H   J              
                                                  E   A     W        
                                                  N   M     A        
                                                  R   E     B        
                                                  Y   S     A        
                                                  W   J     S       L
                                                  G   H     H       E
                                                  R   I     C       L
                        U N I O N P A C I F I C R A I L R O A D     A
                          O                       D   L     S       N
                H A Y M A R K E T S Q U A R E     Y         E       D
                          T                                         S
                        S H E R M A N A N T I T R U S T A C T       T
                          E                                         A
K N I G H T S O F L A B O R                                         N
                          N A T I O N A L L A B O R U N I O N       F
                          P                                         O
                          A                                         R
                      P   C E N T R A L P A C I F I C R A I L R O A D
                      A   I                                          
                      D   F                                   S      
              O       D   I N T E R S T A T E C O M M E R C E A C T  
              G       I   C                                   M   H  
              D       E   R                                   U   E  
              E       S T A N D A R D O I L C O M P A N Y     E   G  
              N           I                                   L   I  
              U S S T E E L C O R P O R A T I O N             G   B  
              T           R                                   O   S  
              A         J O H N D R O C K E F E L L E R       M   O  
              H           A                                   P   N  
                      A N D R E W C A R N E G I E             E   G  
                                                              R   I  
                                                              S   R  
Across Down
5 provided for the construction of railroads from the Missouri River to the Pacific as a war measure for the preservation of the Union
7 where rioting and a bombing occurred during a labor protest
8 prohibits certain business activities that federal government regulators deem to be anticompetitive, and requires the federal government to investigate and pursue trusts, companies, and organizations suspected of being in violation
9 promoted the social and cultural uplift of the workingman, rejected Socialism and radicalism, demanded the eight-hour day, and promoted the producers ethic of republicanism
10 was the first national labor federation in the United States
12 formed part of the 'First Transcontinental Railroad' in North America
15 law that was designed to regulate the railroad industry, particularly its monopolistic practices
17 company founded by John D. Rockefeller
18 J. P. Morgan and Elbert H. Gary founded U.S. Steel in 1901 combining Andrew Carnegie's Carnegie Steel Company with Gary's Federal Steel Company and William Henry Moore's National Steel Company
19 founder of Standard Oil Company
20 Scottish-American who was the founder of a large steel company in the late 19th century
1 Orator and Spokesman for the 'New South'
2 also known as 'The Empire Builder' because his company covered so much land
3 was a Supreme Court decision that severely limited the rights of states to control interstate commerce
4 president of Southern Pacific and Central Pacific Railroads
6 approved by Congress in 1864 and given nearly 40 million acres (160,000 km2) of land grants to build railroads
11 nickname for the Irish
13 first president of the American Federation of Labor
14 where the transcontinental railroad was joined
16 personification of the feminine ideal of beauty
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