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Ramadan Activity

              I     M        
              V     U        
            J E S U S        
                A   A     Y  
                H       L U T
                A     M   S  
    I       E   B   D A W U D
    S U L A I M A N   K   F  
N U H       D         K      
    M     M U H A M M A D    
A D A M     L         H      
    E       F                
S A L A H   I B R A H I M    
            T     Y          
      H I J R A   Y U N U S  
      U           U          
      D           B          
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3 The prophet who was given injeel.
6 The prophet who is nephew to Ibrahim (AS)
10 The prophet who was given the Zabur.
11 The prophet who can talk to bird and animals and who controlled the Jinns.
12 The prophet who built a ship
13 The seal of all prophets.
14 The prophet who was expelled from jannah
15 The prayer of the Muslims is called as ----------
16 The prophet who was thrown in the fire
18 The migration from Makkah to Medina is known as
19 The prophet who was swallowed by the whale
1 Islam is based on ---------- pillars
2 The prophet to whom Allah spoke directly on a mountain.
4 The prophet's companion is known as ---------- in arabic
5 The prophet who was abandoned by his brothers
7 The city in which the last prophet was born.
8 He and his father built the Kaaba
9 Celebration after the month of fasting.
17 The prophet who lost his wealth and health.
18 The Prophet who was sent to guide the people of 'AD
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