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Reality TV

                    1 2          
              3           4      
        7     8                  
            9               10    
    13             14              
Across Down
1 sth you are trying to achieve
3 a reward for winning
6 somebody participating in a competition or a game
8 admiration or acceptance of sb or sth
9 an idea of what sb or sth is typically like, especially when this is not true or fair
12 someone who lives in the same house as you, but who is not a member of your family.
14 the state of being recognized by many people
15 an invitation to a contest
16 a small job or duty
17 a group of people who play a sport together against other groups
18 a statement that tells people what they are allowed or not allowed to do
2 to achieve sth despite great difficulties
4 try to win
5 to be successful by defeating others in a competition, sport, or election
6 a situation in which people all do sth to see who is better
7 sb who watches a particular TV show
10 not revealing sb’s personal information
11 a TV radio or program
13 a feeling of guilt and embarrassment
14 give a part or be part of
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