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Red Fort

                    D I W A N I K H A S      
                    S A L I M G A R H F O R T
                      I                     E
                      M O T I M A S J I D   N
                  S H A H J A H A N A B A D  
                      A H M A D L A H A U R I
C H H A T T A C H O W K                   A  
                  C                       N  
                  T                       G  
                  A                       M  
                  G                       A  
                  O                       H  
                  N                       A  
                  A                       L  
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2 The famous Peacock Throne was kept in this part of the Fort
3 Fort which is connected to Red Fort by a bridge.
5 Subsequent addition to the fort which was built by Aurangzeb
6 This place became the fifth capital of Emperor Shah Jahan and Red fort was primarily built in this capital
7 Architect of the Fort
9 Name of the shopping area located inside the fort
1 Name initially given to the Fort
4 Number of Years to complete the construction
8 Part of the palace which has a lotus shaped fountain made out of single piece of marble. It is the place where wives of the Emperor resided.
10 Shape of the Red Fort which gives it a unique aspect and diffrentiates it from other forts
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