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Reign of Terror

      G E O R G E S D A N T O N                  
          M A R X I S T                          
          T H E G R E A T T E R R O R   T       F
          T                             H       O
        R E V O L U T I O N A R Y C A L E N D E R
          E                             T       E
        C O N V E N T I O N             E       I
          F                             R       G
          P                             R       N
        G U I L L O T I N E             O        
          B                             R        
          I N C O R R U P T I B L E              
P U R G E S                                      
        R E V O L U T I O N A R Y T R I B U N A L
T W E N T Y N I N E                              
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2 who is the leader of the August 1792 uprising against the King£¿
3 At the same time, Cobb rejects Mathiez's £¿ interpretation that elites controlled the Reign of Terror to the significant benefit to the bourgeoisie
4 The repression accelerated in June and July 1794, a period called £¿
7 Another anti-clerical uprising was made possible by the instalment of the £¿
8 On 2 June 1793, Paris sections ¨C encouraged by the enrag¨¦s Jacques Roux and Jacques H¨¦bert ¨C took over the£¿
9 what called the 'National Razor£¿
10 On 27 July Maximilien Robespierre, known in Republican circles as the£¿
11 the Terror's leaders exercised broad dictatorial powers and used them to instigate mass executions and political £¿
12 what summarily condemned thousands of people to death by the guillotine
13 With the backing of the National Guard, they persuaded the Convention to arrest £¿Girondist leaders, including Jacques Pierre Brissot
1 The French government established the £¿
5 The Reign of Terror also known as ?
6 Those in power believed the Committee of Public Safety was an unfortunate, but necessary and temporary reaction to the pressures of £¿
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