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Robot Simulation

C Y B O R G                            
          A U T O M A T I O N          
    H U M A N O I D                    
      S P I N E R O B O T S            
          A N D R O I D                
          B I O N I C                  
    P R O G R A M                      
          E                   L        
        J O I N T E D A R M R O B O T S
          U                   G        
  R O B O T                   I        
Across Down
1 An artificially produced human being capable of learning.
3 A machine that can repeat a function apparently on its own power.
4 An android that has human physical characteristics.
5 Designed like a human spine, it can reach almost anywhere within it’s working place.
6 A device that is human in appearance and able to move objects after programming.
7 A term used to describe mechanical devices that replace human body parts.
8 Provide a computer with coded instructions for the automatic performance of a task.
10 The arm is jointed at the shoulder and elbow and can move like a hinge.
11 A machine capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically.
2 Faulty or incomplete input data and produce nonsensical, faulty, or incomplete output.
9 Reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity.
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