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Roman Crossword Puzzle

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          1               2              
        5     6                 7        
      11   12                              
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3 legendary Roman hero, the Romans traced their history back to Aeneas. Aeneas was a Trojan hero who left Troy after the Trojan War, eventually settling in Italy.
5 the nobility in Roman society
7 a Roman public meeting place
8 an elected official in Rome
9 the common people of ancient Rome
10 former Roman gladiator, he led a slave revolt against Rome
12 Roman dictator, he was chosen by the Romans to defend their lands from attack. Later he willingly gave up power and was considered an ideal leader by the Romans.
13 a ruler who has almost absolute power
15 a political system in which people elect leaders to govern them up
1 Carthaginian general, he was one of the greatest generals of the ancient world. Hannibal invaded Italy during the second Punic War but was eventually defeated by Scipio at the battle of Zama.
2 groups of up to 6,000 soldiers
4 the two most powerful officials in Rome
6 legendary figures in Roman history, they built a city that eventually became Rome
11 the language of the Romans
14 to reject or prohibit actions and laws of other government officials
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