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Roman Empire Crossword Puzzle

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Roman Empire

4           5             6    
7           8                  
    13 14                        
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4 Romans used these to transport water throughout the empire
7 The Italian Peninsula is shaped like a ?
8 wealthy Romans
9 Romans invented this building material
11 Poor Romans lived in these, and Romans were among the first to build these
12 common people
13 The Alps and the ? are the two major mountain ranges on Italian Peninsula.
1 The Roman Empire prepared the way for the coming of ?
2 Romans used a wax tablet and ? for education
3 Higher education was only for children from wealthy homes
5 Romans used this innovative method of farming to keep soild rich
6 Only Roman citizens could wear these
10 Wealthy Romans lived in homes where all rooms surrounded a middle room called ?
14 The most fertile farmland is located here.
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