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Rome: Ruler OF The Ancient World Crossword Puzzle

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ROME: Ruler of the Ancient World

Complete the puzzle with the correct answer

                3           4     5      
      7                         8        
    9                   10                
12 13                                      
              16             17   18        
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6 Roman leader that becameone of the greaest military leaders in history.
7 He named Roma after himself.
8 This cullture songly incluenced the Romans as tyhey build their Roman empire.
9 Queen of Egypt
11 Largest mountain system in Europe
12 The common people of the Roman Republic
14 Caesar's closest friend and assistant that seixed power and ruled in Caesar's place
16 Roman citizens that were born into wealthy, distinguished families.
19 Number of Punic Wars
20 Punic War in which Rome completely destroyed the city of Carthage by burning it.
1 City burried under volcanic stones of Mt. Vesuvius
2 Gathering of information of people living in a city.
3 First emperor of the Roman Empire
4 Arican city founded by the Phoenicians as a trading post
5 200 years of pease that followed the beginning of the Roman Empire
10 The language used by the Romans
13 This empire helpted to prepare the world for the coming of Jesus Christ.
15 Person who has absolute rule in his country's government.
17 The central room of awealthy Roman home.
18 In the Roman Repubic they were the oldest and wises men.
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