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                        L A T I N S  
              J             E        
              U             N        
            P L E B E I A N S        
            P U N I C W A R S        
              C A R T H A G E        
        S     E                      
        U   P A T R I C I A N S      
        L     S                      
        L     E T R U S C A N S      
D I C T A T O R           U          
                          G R E E K S
                    C O N S U L S    
                        R U B I C O N
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2 semi nomadic farmers and animal herders
4 working class
5 series of battles
6 powerful city in northern africa
8 wealthy land owners
9 metalsmithing and engineering influenced rome with their writing system
11 ruler with total power over a country
12 created 50 towns along the adriatic coast and along the southern
13 power of the monarch passed to 2 yearly elected magistrates
14 river on the boarder between italy and gual
1 free born males
3 rome became an empire with his rise and fall in the first century
7 emerged as dictator is 82bc
10 first emperor
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