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Rome Crossword Puzzle

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                                3           4  
9                           10                  
              16   17   18                        
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3 a unit of an empire or a country; area of the Roman Empire ruled by a governor
6 large country estate
8 large amphitheater built in Rome
9 a member of an upper-class family in the Roman Republic
10 one of two officials who led the Roman republic
12 a person in ancient Rome who fought in an arena for the entertainment of the public
14 a structure that carries water over long distance
15 an economic situation in which there is more money with less value
16 a soldier who serves for pay in a foreign army
1 a follower of a person or a belief
2 a ruler who has total control of the government
3 the period of stability and prosperity in the Roman Empire
4 an arena in ancient Rome; also the show held there
5 an ordinary citizen in the Roman republic
7 a person who dies for a particular cause
8 emperor or rome from A.D. 312 to 337
11 the rejection of any planned action or rule by a person in power
13 founder of a christianity
16 a savior in Judaism and Christianity
17 a government in which citizens who have the right to vote select their leader
18 a letter; in the Christian Bible
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