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Ronald Reagan

            B                     N        
            A                     A        
            N                     N        
            O                     C        
        N I N E T E E N N I N E T Y F O U R
        N I N E T E E N S E V E N T Y S I X
J O D I E F O S T E R                      
  G R E N A D A                            
  S   M I K H A I L G O R B E C H E V      
  T     G                                  
  A L Z H E I M E R D I S E A S E          
  R     T                                  
  W     Y                                  
  A     F                                  
  R   J O H N H I N C K L E Y              
  S     U                                  
        R E A G A N O M I C S              
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3 What year did Reagan retire from his public life
4 What year did he run for presidency?
5 What actress did John Hinckley try to impress by shooting the President?
6 What country did the U.S. invade in 1982?
8 Whta was the name of the Soviet Leader at the time of Reagan's presidency?
9 What disease did Reagan develop in 1992?
10 Who shot R.R on March 30th,1981
11 What popular term was given to Reagan's economic policies?
1 What country did the U.S. send peacekeeping forces to?
2 What was the first name of Reagan's wife?
3 What year did Reagan get elected to serve his second term?
7 What was the name of the project that cost him over $1 Trillion?
12 Who did he run against and beat during his primaries in 1980?
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