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Rwandan Genocide, 1994 Crossword Puzzle

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Rwandan Genocide, 1994

                            2               3                
      16                                     17                
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              22                   23                          
            24               25                                
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5 How many people were killed?
6 What were the people who opposed the genocide called?
7 Who was the Canadian in charge of the U.N. peacekeeping mission in Rwanda?
8 Who was the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations?
10 Who was the Red Cross worker who tried to save the orphans?
12 Who was the hotel manager who saved 1286 lives?
14 Who was Juvenal Habyarimana?
15 What was RTLM? It incited and directed the violence
16 What is the capital of Rwanda?
17 What was the major relgion of Rwanda?
18 How long did the genocide last?
20 Who was President of the United States?
21 Where is Rwanda?
22 What were Tutsis called?
24 What was the name of the government-trained militia that carried out the genocide?
1 What slogan did the perpetrators of the genocide use?
2 Where did war crimes tribunals take place?
3 What was the incident that sparked the violence?
4 Which country's peacekeepers were killed while they were guarding the prime minister?
7 Who stopped the genocide?
9 Who was targeted in the genocide?
11 Who was the leader of the RPF? He became the President of Rwanda
13 Which country supplied the Rwandan Army with weapons?
19 Why didn't the U.S. intervene to stop the genocide?
23 What is the name of the company that owned the Hotel des Milles Collines?
25 What weapon killed many people?
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