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Sahara Desert Crossword Puzzle

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Sahara Desert

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7 These consumers eat Secondary Consumers. They are on the 3rd trophic level.
8 Rainfall, Temperature, Soil, Erosion and Humidity are examples of:
9 a relationship is between a predator and prey, the predator hunts the prey
11 These consumers are herbivores which means they only eat grass and plants which are the Producers.
12 Carbon Dioxide + Water is reacted with sunlight to form glucose + oxygen
13 Parasitic, Commensalism, Mutualism, Predator (prey), Competition are examples of :
14 a relationship where an organism benefits off another organism without it being harmed.
15 living factors
1 a relationship between two organisms that are competing over something
2 a relationship is where an organism benefits off another organism (or host) while the other organism is harmed and hasn’t benefited from the parasite in anyway.
3 What protects the scorpions skin from the harsh desert sun
4 a relationship between two organisms that benefit from each other
5 an organism that photosynthesis
6 These consumers are Carnivores which mean they only eat meat. This means that they eat the Primary Consumers. They are the 3rd trophic level.
10 Organisms that make their own food by photosynthesis (Carbon Dioxide + Water is reacted with sunlight to form glucose + oxygen)
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