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Salem Witch Trials

Charles Grashel

          M A R G A R E T J A C O B S
T I T U B A                          
          S A R A H G O O D          
          C O T T O N M A T H E R    
        P U R I T A N S              
      W I T C H W O O D              
          S P E C T E R              
        D O R C A S                  
    E R G O T S                      
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1 accused of witch craft by Abagail Williams
2 a slave that was trialed as a witch
3 accused of witchcraft by Betty and Abagail
4 Purtian minister that was a judge during the Salem Witch Trials
5 certain kind of Christian in the early 1600s
6 a piece of mountain ash that they thought would keep away witches
7 witch spirit thought to be from witches
8 four year old girl accused of witch craft by her mother, Sarah Good
9 a fungus that grew on rye that made Abagail and Betty see things that weren't there
1 where the Salem Witch Trials took place at
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