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Science Solar System Abrie Crossword Puzzle

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Science Solar System Abrie

1                   2        
    4           5            
7         8                  
        11         12          
    14       15                
Across Down
2 Neptune has 14 _________ moons.
4 Venus's surface is hot enough to melt __________.
6 If you were to stand on Mercury the sun would be ______ than on Earth.
7 ___________ has 62 known moons.
10 __________ is named after swiftest of the Roman Gods.
11 _________ has the shortest days of all the planets.
14 70% of Earths surface is ________.
1 Uranus has 27 known _______.
2 Jupiter is named after the _______ of the Roman gods.
3 ___________ is named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty.
5 Saturn is named after the Roman god of agriculture and ________.
8 ________ is named after the Roman god of the sea.
9 _______ is the coldest planet.
12 The only planet with known life.
13 ________ has 2 moons.
15 This is a known name for Mars. The _______ planet.
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